sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Review: Art Sensation

Yesterday, I finally got my copy of:
"Art Sensation"- VII-sense & Art Cube Coupling CD!
A friend and I, bought this a long time.
And, after it, Brazillian Post Office went on strike!
Even worse, I'm wainting for a package from Celga Corp. since Aug. 19! And it is coming in an express method (EMS). It's really shameful, no?But the things are getting back to normal, and it looks like I'll have my package soon.

About Art Sensation, th single doesn't make me happy. VII-sense's song -Dystopia- wasn't what I expected... However, Art Cube's song -霧人形/Kiri ningyo- is a wonderful song! I can hardly wait to get my copy of "暁の舞/Akatsu no Mai"! There are two editons, one live-only and other regular, but you can buy regular edition on CDJapan.

Price: 1050 yen

1. 暁の舞/Akatsuki no Mai
2.Test tube skeleton
Release: 10/19/2011

I hope you can support Art Cube too, as some readers support VII-sense, I know you will not regret it! So, wait for my new post. I will show you goods new things for my collection. I hope you be happy for me!

See ya!


P.S. Yesterday I received a e-mail of a special friend. It made my day happy!

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