quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011

REVIEW - The Reminiscence Of War [EN]

Today I finally received my copy of the CD The Reminiscence Of War, I bought in the Brand-x Store and I was very pleased by this. The package I got came with CD + Photo Set with 7 pics + comment DVD + In Store ticket. The photo set is really beautiful, and I quite liked the new look of the band. The comment DVD has 15 minutes and the members seem very friendly. It is a pity that I am not in Japan to go on "In Store", but I'll save the ticket as a souvenir.

Now let's talk about the songs!

Be Sacrificed
It is a remastered version released what was released on V.A. Explosion Case Show. The quality of it is clearly superior. The music has a guttural that no appeal. However, the chorus of it is pretty exciting. The guitars are in tune even though I still find the long solo is unnecessary. This is the only song on the CD that has the Shaura doing falsetto.

Shattered Sky
The music begins a
Masato's solo that I quite like . Because of it he gained some prominence in this song, yet the guitars are the main instruments here. I see this song as a song "uncommitted"since it has an experimental air. The whispers on the piano were very interesting. But this mix of throaty whispers and reminds me a lot of bands with a pop appeal, which I do not know if it's good so far.

This song had already been distributed in a show and it was remastered. I really like how it develops. Shaura sings like a "light" and very attractive. Here's falsetto at the end of the chorus. But it do not bother me. Mikage in the battery leads the music with light, almost just marking time.

VII-Sense's fans had the opportunity to choose the name of this song. There was a contest to choose it before the end of the Red-List. REVALATIONS had his clip
distributed at a show and has also been remastered. The music is really one of the best on this album, and I like to say that it is a complete song. KAZ starts with doing a solo piano in a classical style. Then come the guitars, bass and drum heavy, and now accompanied by an orchestra in a extreme harmony with the music. It is very exciting, and I'm imagining the performance of a live band. In it we have plenty of falsetto, but I really like in on this song. We have almost 2 minutes of guitar solos. Although it seems very, soils are very harmonic and not just single notes in the air. REVELATIONS is undoubtedly one of the best songs to this date.

Ever since I heard the preview of Proud I enjoyed this, and I certainly was not wrong. It's hard for me to talk about it because it has a footprint, and especially a proposal different from other works of the VII-Sense. The song begins with a perfect quartet consisting of piano, guitar, bass and drums. Therefore in the following section, a guitar and suddenly ... Shaura tone up! I think that's what call more attention, the tone sung by him is different than we used to hear, and it certainly made ​​my ears more attentive. The chorus is very beautiful, accompanied by an orchestra, probably made ​​by KAZ on the keyboard. Until the end of the music
piano is present, where KAZ show off their talent. The high point of music is when all the instruments are silent and suddenly a Shaura, beautifully, sings a solo creep anyone and after that remains accompanied by piano and orchestra. Again, the instruments stop and the music is taken from the battery of Mikage. This song has everything I always hoped of VII-Sense and especially of Shaura. A mix of excitement with emotion are the key elements of Proud.

Undoubtedly The Reminiscence Of War is the best release of VII-Sense. The recording quality is impeccable. The band's evolution is clear and undeniable. And members are maturing with their new experiences.

I'm still sad that the band have fewer than 200 regular fans in Japan, and the numbers are growing. Actually I'm hoping that the single's release with the Art Cube can make the band grow a little more.

Until next time!

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