sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

to VIIth and VII-sense

To VII-sense

Much time has passed after the VII-sense disband. And for a long time I kept my silence, and I kept my feelings in secret with me. In really, it was so hard to me. To follow your favorite singer and his band for years, wishing see him in a live video again, singing your favorites songs... And, when you least expect, it's broken...
Yes, hard for a fan. But much more hard to the band. And I know it. The visual rock are not the same in Japan and, when an artist choose it, the way is so long.
VII-sense gave me much beautiful feelings with her songs. And all of the marked moments in my life, that I will never forget.

In fact, I still have no words. And for now, I just only says sorry, for the long time without expressing my feelings and thank you to VII-sense. Mostly for KAZ, who show me that an artist can be close to their fans using the means at our disposal . And Shaura,who don't understand english, but always tried to give us an answer for our crazyly fan's questions!

To VIIth

I can not forget to thank you all fans of VII-sense, that are called as VIIth! Without your support, our band maybe had not been on the road for 2 years. And, a special thank you to Ayaki, a special person that gave to many fans of VII-sense the opportunity to be near of them even without knowing us. We will always remind us of your support to the VII-sense. And also Fuji, a special an sweet girl that was my only way to keep Shaura in my life. Thank you so much.

Some last collection acquired:

With love,

P.S. Sorry bad English

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